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Hot off the Press!
It’s not every day that you find a famous weatherwoman bound by magic to a tree deep in the woods. Or discover that the weatherwoman [...]
The Book of Wonders Reviewed by Avia, aged 9, on Fresh Ink
Read review over on Fresh Ink The Book of Wonders was filled with action, mystery, magic and of course, wonders. It was about two kids, [...]
Welcome Yamazing Racers!
Hello, and thanks for visiting my site! I’m so thrilled to be part of the YAmazing Race with MGnificent Prizes, a blog hop featuring over 50 [...]
Out now!
Hot off the press! I'm so excited to announce that the Book of Wonders is out TODAY. It's published by HarperCollins in the [...]
It smells like a book, it looks like a book …it’s my book!
Look what came in the post today! A shiny, finished copy of The Book of Wonders. I'm not ashamed to say that I had a little tear in [...]
Review from Lily age 10
Review from Lily on The YA Bookcase on Lake Street The Book of Wonders by Jasmine Richards Magic, Djinn, Ogres, and Sorcerers. Thirteen-year-old Zardi loves to [...]