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Cover Reveal for The Unmorrow Curse!
The Unmorrow Curse Cover Reveal By Jasmine Richards Hi everyone! The wait is over – I can finally reveal the beautiful cover for [...]
New book out now: Keeper of Myths by Jasmine Richards Today is the day that Keeper of Myths is finally released into the world and I’m so pleased to have some finished, shiny copies [...]
Review for Secrets of Valhalla from Kidsreads
It's lovely to get reviews and Christi over at says this of Secerts of Valhalla: "This modern-day mythological gem is a wild ride from [...]
Secrets of Valhalla – Spotted in the Wild.
Look at what my lovely editor, Andrew Harwell, at Harper Collins spotted at Barnes and Noble in Tribeca! Secrets of Valhalla out in the [...]
Diversity drive on track in children’s, but call for more BAME authors
This is an extract from an article by Charlotte Eyre in The Bookseller that I was asked to comment on. To read the full article visit [...]
Why Mythology Still Matters
Why do so many children’s authors focus on mythology in their books for young readers? What is the fascination with gods and goddesses and their [...]